Tuesday, January 24, 2012


In this article it explores a child's Internet ,outside,and home life. In this article it shows how a woman by the name of Dr.Boyd has done research on how parents ,teachers etc. think that most dangers are on the Internet but its not. 

This article tells of how Dr.Boyd does  research on facebook and twitter and the young subjects of her research usually follow her on social media websites. A quote that caught me by surprise is that she said"we need to give kids the freedom to explore and experience things that might actually helped them". Dr. Boyd  has been through many problems herself. Such as her parents being divorced and hanging out with the wrong crowd of kids at school. 

she used to use the Internet as a way to help her by talking to people just like her or adults that could explain the reason things were happening and how they could help.

The article to me is right so many parents are scared for their children to be on the Internet because of what they think might happen. But the Internet is not as bad as they try to make it. But the stuff your children do on the Internet or say are already usually being done in your home or at school. Parents need to let there children explore the freedom that the living has givens them and stopped trying to ban everything.

For me using the Internet helped me through rough patches in my life because I found people like me to talk to. Because writing and talking to people I know personally wasn't enough .

I hope this article helps the parents see the way somethings should work and how you should trust your child.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Capital punishment is the death penalty. The death penalty is a law that should be used in every state. The death penalty is a way for ours nation’s families to feel the closure they need. On April 1, 2008 37 states were giving the right to use the death penalty. As of January 1, 2008, 3,350 convicted murderers were awaiting execution on Death Row in the U.S.The death penalty is used for many reasons and most people deserve to be put to death. If the justice system was not able to use the death penalty then we would have many murders on our streets.

Some families take the death penalty as a way of mourning. Ronald Carlson wanted vengeance when his sister was murdered in 1983 in Texas.  But when he witnessed the execution in 1998 of the person who committed the murder he changed his mind. When families try to mourn their loss one it is difficult to know that the killer is still alive and is able to haunt you were ever you are. A death sentence brings a feeling 0f relief or at least a feeling of knowing that the horrible killer is gone.
The death penalty is needed. If we didn’t have this death penalty many of our killers would roam free or just sit in jail cells which many killers would love because they love to hear about what they have done. The prosecutor of these death crimes should have more leeway of torture to minimize crime. Many have a saying “an eye for an eye “so shouldn’t that also be pushed to say a death for a death. Even the bible advocates death for murder and other crimes like kidnapping and witchcraft.  
The justice system is in a need to be fixed. And the first thing is that they need to stop caring so much about the criminals and instead care more about our victims. Today, one of the most debated issues in the Criminal Justice System  is the issue of capital punishment or the death penalty.    Capital punishment was legal until 1972, when the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in Furman v. Georgia stating that it violated the Eight and Fourteen Amendments citing cruel and unusual punishment.  However, in 1976, the Supreme Court reversed.


In Irene-Wakonda School District they started a 4 day school day to save money.The school district took this schools budget away by 6.6 percent and now they had to fire teacher cancel most after school activities and cancel extracurricular activities. Now most of the schools parents did not like the money and school changes but they were so mad about their children  missing a day of school which lessens there children's progress.but the schools say they plan on teaching more in one day than they could teach in two. Most children feel as though things they like about their school are being taken away because the school district doesn't know how to monitor and use their money wisely. Even though their are a few student who think the one less day is a progression of the school to show that with one day taken away they can learn more than any other school in their district. But now many schools are getting on the band wagon . They are trying to see now if they can get higher test scores in less amount of time than schools who have the full five days of school.

But in my opinion the school who are trying this are damaging our minds  because its bad enough we don't learn everything in the week we have and now we have to learn more in the amount of four days its just not going to work and it gets even more frustrated because now here comes the problem with money make it and stop trying to spend it on new technology and get us new books better teachers and utensils for us to use in the day, and for the activities that keep us out of the street then taking them away and we have kids doing the more stupidest things known to men. This is a outrage.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Best Death Ever Priceless

May 1, at 11:35 pm Osama Bin Laden was killed striked down by our own troops. 'Thank God'.That is one of the nations biggest take downs and I'm happy about it.The shooting was well tactical and put a bullet in him. And Osama bin laden deserved everything that he got in life. i know most people think that his death was needed but I wish that he was tortured or something extra. I just don't think that just killing him was  a waste of time he deserved to suffer just like he made everyone else suffer. This killing was like a priceless jewel to the people even though most thought it was uncalled for he life was better ended then to remain walking this earth. I think he was already condemned to hell in so many ways. Long believed to be hiding in caves, bin Laden was tracked down in a costly, custom-built hideout not far from a Pakistani military academy.

In the New York Times this was what the president had to say; In a late-night appearance in the East Room of the White House, Mr. Obama declared that “justice has been done” as he disclosed that American military and C.I.A. operatives had finally cornered Bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, who had eluded them for nearly a decade. American officials said Bin Laden resisted and was shot in the head. He was later buried at sea.

The president was right by saying justice has been done our people are none free from the terror that he has bought.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Child Hit By Bus. Oh No!

On new years day there were five shooting and four were killed . Its 2012 and our crime is still going up. It seems as though many people are starting the new year off in there way and it not good .What is happening to our people things are getting out of hand and its beginning to become nonsense . Just because you feel as though u need to relieve your stress doesn't mean you go around and start shooting like you have no sense.Our mayor acts as though he is trying to change things when all he does is make sure he gets in front of the camera and tell people the B.S. that he feels as though he can say and everything will be fine. We the people are not dumb so pay attention things need to change for the better but with Micheal Nutter things will always be the same. Philadelphia still has the highest crime rate but as he trying to say they are trying to do something but its just not working well buckle down and buckle down hard . We need no more crime I want to live until the next day. So do something help your fellow americans.