Thursday, February 9, 2012

Apple Explosion

The iPad factory in China and almost every other factory are not following the safety guidelines. In which are harming their workers in which they have been sending notices to inform them of the safety hazards they have not been following.

Last May on a Friday evening, there was a explosion at the apple iPad factory (in China.) The cause of the explosion was aluminum dust. There air shafts was not open enough, so as the aluminum dust builds up there was a spontaneous combustion. Many were hurt some worst then others some worst then others.One man by the name of Lai Xiaodong was badly burned ,skin had 3rd degree burns,and many were rushed to the hospital.

People live on Apple Products , but the questions is though will people make apple change the ways of the people work safety?The people who tried to help Nike change needs to do the same with Apple.These people are being treated with the up most disrespect. People where hurt and now hopefully Apple may learn the harms of not following the safety guide lines. Apple needs to take the responsibility for the unthinkable things that been happening. People should sue for so much because now they know what's been happening . Apple needs to pay for there carelessness.

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