Friday, May 11, 2012

Wrong Words to Say and Is TV really diverse as they say?

The thoughts on certain channels that are diverse don't get as much reconization as non diverse shows. The non diverse shows can say and do what they feel they want to do and they get away with it, but the point to this is that diverse shows are the exact opposite to them.  The author tells of how television is nowhere near diverse enough and I also think this is true if the shows were more diverse maybe most shows would not be canceled, but because there is still people believe in the racial difference and everything these days people still use that to their advantage. TV has changed over the past few years but the people still look at the non diverse shows more then they do the ones that are diverse the things in people minds are just to far back in the past and no one really try to change it but they think that one show here and there will make people not notice well a whole bunch of people did and now I hope they start to become more self conscious of what they do. Stop canceling shows because the people that get put in there are, NOT THE SAME AS THEM AND THIS JUST MAKE PEOPLE FEEL MORE OUT OF PLACE LIKE NO ONE REALLY IS WORRIED ABOUT HOW PEOPLE ARE TREATED! This is not the way the 21st century is suppose to treat people right. The TV stations are inconsiderate with the comments or jokes they make on there shows and don't understand that the things that are said might not refer to a certain person but it refers to something that you thought about in your head and how you feel about the things or people you talk about. Its not pretty for the stars of the show to be able to say what they want and there is no repercussions to their acts even if it was just part of the script. They need to start taking the time out  to inform their actors that certain subjects should not be said on live Tv. It matters what you say when you say it .

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